Thursday, April 15, 2010

Booyeah! Up and running

This is something I have wanted to do for a long, long time. I used to blog under my msn yonks ago about the adventures of new motherhood when I had my first son who is now 5. Sadly for me, I'm pretty well known in my town so I was getting a fair bit of criticism from people around when they discovered it. So :( because I will have to keep my identity void just in case it happens again. Plus, so I can blog freely about the goings in on my life :)

So to start, I'll introduce myself and my little family. I'm 28 (eeck 29 by the end of the year, the big 3-0 next year) have a son (Master W) who is turning 5 in September and a little girl (Miss G) who turned 1 in January. (I'll probably inform you more of their history later down the track.) Plus there is my boyfriend of 7 months (Mr D) and his daughter (Miss X) who will be turning 6 in November. Plus 2 guinea pigs makes a pretty full household, even though we only have Miss X week on week off.

Now onto me, overweight and don't care :P, short...well 162cms so that's short enough for me, currently SAHM and actually wanting to get back into work kinda (Master W goes to school next year and with shared custody I won't get as much time with him), hates tv as I would rather read or much around on the net, loves music (used to play in the town band yeaaaaaaaars ago and yes I went to band camp. Shh!), I'm a hoarder and lastly to admit I suffer from depression a fair bit. I normally don't take medication until it is really out of my control and can't work my way out of it. My two worst episodes was Post Natal Depression when I had both of my kids and when I was pregnant with Miss G...but I will go on with that story later as I want to get my first post finished before bed.

Off to bed, have a stupid meeting tomorrow for my son's mediation with his father (if not in Australia, mediation is where myself and Master W's Dad sit down and try and work out a custody agreement, otherwise if we can't we are both off to court)


  1. Yay for you - starting a blog can be such a freeing feeling! Keep on posting, Mama :-)

  2. Thanks :) I been meaning to do it for ages but never really sat down and done it. I feel a lot better today after writing last night, so I think I might have found my therapy :)
